Friday, October 1, 2010

Have Back Aches

Nearly 80 percent of adults are affected by back pain at some point in  their lives it can either be acute or chronic . Acute pain starts suddenly and  is usually the result of  misusing the body in the some way.Chronic backaches keep recurring and can be brought on by almost any movement, for no particular reason.It is one of the most common reason for hospitalization. A variety of problems in the muscles,tendons,bones,ligaments, or an underlying organ, such as the kidneys, may also cause backaches. Attempting to move or lift heavy objects is said to be the primary cause of back problems in the United States, sometimes because of damage don't to spinal cord.

Most cases of back pain  also have an important psychological components,usually a deep seated emotional or stressed related problem.Other contributors can include poor posture, improper lifting, straining,calcium deficiency,slouching when sitting.and sleeping on a mattress that is too soft. Kidney,bladder, and prostate problems,female pelvic disorders,and even constipation may produce back pain.Chronic conditions that can cause back pain include arthritis, rheumatism,bone disease,and abnormal curvature of the spine.Fracture are rarely the cause of back pain. Take back problems seriously and have them check out.


  • Avoid all meats and animal protein products until you are healed.Animal protein contains uric acid,which outs undue strains on the kidney that can contribute to back pain. Do not eat gravies,oils,fats,sugar,or rich and highly processed food.
  • Drink water muscle ache and back pain are frequently connected to dehydration the body needs at least (10) ten 8- ounce glasses of water daily to keep acidic wastes from building up in muscles and other tissues.
  • To relieve back muscle pain,soak in a very warm bath or apply a heating pad directly to your back. Be careful not to set the heat too high,however.

Massage therapist work with muscles and tendons, using different techniques like muscle kneading and compressions to lessen tension in the muscles. This increase circulation and help the body flush out cellular debris, which speeds tissue repair and aids in healing back problems.

Osteopaths can prescribe drugs and perform surgery but because of their philosophy of treatment, they often try manipulation or physical therapy first.

Physiatrist, also known as doctors of physical rehabilitation medicine, are medical doctors who treat back pain by the use of various  physical therapies, lifestyle changes, and back braces, which promote healing by reducing the load on the spine . Not licensed to perform surgery, and are less likely than other doctors to hospitalize their patient.they have a good record of treating back problems, including low back pain and herniated disks.

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