Chair massage can do wonders for your body, your mental state and your sense of well-being and happiness.
- relieve physical and emotional stress
- lower anxiety
- increase circulation
- reduce muscle fatigue and tension
- boost your immune system and resistance to illness
- lower your blood pressure
- relieve muscle pains and headaches
- improve thinking and awareness
- increase energy and stamina
- decrease repetitive stress symptoms
- improve your sleep
- encourage better posture
- generate more flexibility
- build awareness of breathing and relaxing
The benefits of chair massage are contagious, and can have an effect on your whole team.
- reduce the pressure absenteeism puts on other team members
- reduce team stress and encourage relaxation and cooperation
- give your people a feeling of being acknowledged and appreciated
- improve job satisfaction
The American Psychological Association estimates the total cost of stress on the job costs companies more than $200 billion a year. On-site corporate chair massage will:
- increase morale and company pride
- reduce stress and promote health
- reinforce the message that you value your people’s health and wellbeing
- create an atmosphere of camaraderie, trust and loyalty
- reward performance
- reduce sick time and absenteeism
- attract and retain top-quality employees
- reduce the high cost of employee turnover
- increase accuracy, problem-solving and creative thinking abilities
- decrease repetitive injuries and workers comp claims
- offer an inexpensive 100% tax-deductible perk
Chair massage can bring a breath of fresh air into busy trade shows, company parties, weddings, or anywhere people can use a little relaxation.
- win the loyalty and appreciation of your customers and guests
- show your valued guests and clients you care about their well-being
- reduce stress and overwhelm at busy events with a relaxing break
- pamper your staff so they can stay in top form
- relieve the pressure of big days like weddings and performances
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